Sunday, March 6, 2011

More Mysteries!

I found a couple more mystery plants and the Camellia is opening up! To my dismay, some of these surprises are popping up in what was to be my vegetable garden. They lived through my composting and are now unevenly spread out due to my tilling of the soil.
These look a lot like Iris, but they're not in a spot that I would imagine anyone would plant bulbs

Mystery sprouts in what was going to be my vegetable garden - Hollyhock?

Fern in the base of a standard Oak, next to Magnolia Tree


Some type of vine in front of the Holly - I believe it's called "Cat-something"


Brynn said...

The fern lasted about 2 days before the deer got to it. So sad. I liked it a lot.

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Hollywood, South Carolina, United States
I felt that a blog would be an interesting experiment