Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Another mystery solved!

I have been an absolute fool. There is a type of bird that I have been seeing in my back yard that I could not identify in any book or on the internet. I would see these birds high in the trees in groups of 3 or more. They had a white belly, a dark ring around their neck, and their tails (from below) were black with two circles of white on the outer edges. Their backs were dark. The oddest thing about these birds was their call. They would bob their entire body up and down (excuse the lewdness, but it looked exactly like humping) and make a loud purring or whirring sound. I finally got these birds on video and captured some photos. As soon as I plugged my camera into the computer I realized what a fool I had been. This video unfortunately does not pick up the purring sound they are making, but it shows their body movements.

 Well, if you're as bumbling an idiot as I've been and you still don't see it, here's a photo:
Blue Jay
 I'll admit the photo isn't that great. I have found that taking pictures of birds is extremely difficult, especially with a dog at your side. I will use that excuse and several others which follow to defend my idiocy:
  • I have never seen more than one Blue Jay at a time
  • I have never seen a bird that purrs and humps and there is no absolutely no recording of this behavior on any of the countless web pages or you tube videos I searched
  • I usually only notice Blue Jays when they are around eye level or below. I guess I never noticed their tummies before (also, I was not able to find any pictures in any of my books or on the internet of a Blue Jay from below)


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Hollywood, South Carolina, United States
I felt that a blog would be an interesting experiment