Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Gardening Notes

Yesterday I spread some Hummingbird mix ($1 store) where I planted the majority of the Gladiolas, where the fence Ts. Today I saw the sprout of one Gladiola.
Two days ago saw about 20 sprouts where I put the Shade Mix ($1 store).
Fertilized all flowers, veggies last Thursday.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Gardening Notes

Just a note to myself - bulbs planted yesterday. Attempted dollar store flowering seed (Shade Mix) in the front center flower bed. Supposedly 10 days to germinate. I've been lied to - DEER EAT JALAPENOS AND BEGONIAS, so far they are leaving the Gladiolas alone.
Bulbs: In front of garage, around 2 Oaks, mixed color Gladiolas. Planted on ?. 4 out of 6 bulbs came up, but I didn't read the directions until I was done, and I wasn't paying attention to what directions I set the bulbs in the ground.
Behind the decorative grass (where the fence tees) on 6/7/11: 15 White lily-things (must look up the name), 2 Stargazer Lilies, 12? Yellow Gladiolas, 12 Mixed Color Gladiolas, 6 Pink Gladiolas.
Hummingbird Vine, planted on ?. Just now starting to vine.
Mystery Sprouts in garden turned out to be miniature pumpkins. All died after flowering. I did not water them daily until they started dying. They also got fuzzy white spots on the leaves before I started watering daily.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Hummingbird Moth

I told myself I wouldn't put bugs up here, but I really can't resist the big weird ones. How can something that sounds so nice, pretty and harmless as "Hummingbird Moth" look like it crawled out of Hell? This thing is terrifying! And to make matters worse, it has the flying skills of a June Bug.

Monday, April 25, 2011


Lob-lollies have really neat bark. I also got a picture of Live Oak bark.


Live Oak


These guys are adorable! I guess this is a female and a male since the male kept bobbing and sticking out his throat pouch. If it is a male and a female, the female is the one with the white stripe down her back.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Azalea colors & yet another mystery!

This pink Azalea flower accidentally showed up on the light pink bush

I don't know what this is - flower bed by the barrel

Light pink Azaleas - on either side of the front porch stairs

White Azaleas - left side of porch when facing house - home to Mockingbird nest

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Black Vulture

I was only able to capture this one shot. It wasn't that the birds were scared, it was because they were on the side of a busy-ish road and as soon as I pulled over and got out my camera, cars began slowing down and stopping to make sure I was all right. Even though I was holding a camera, I don't think anyone could conceive of someone actually wanting to photograph a vulture. It was too bad, really, because the animal they were eating was quite large and they were awfully excited. The other vultures are watching from across the road when I took the picture - about 10 of them total.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Rain, Rain, You Can Stay

Disappointment in the torrential downpours I thought were ruining my weekend melted away when I looked out the window.

A Phalanx of Storks

Ugly critters they may be up close, but they look pretty cool from a distance.

Wood Stork

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

VOILA! Gardenia transforms into an Azalea overnight!

My Gardenia is looking more like an Azalea than a Gardenia....

Monday, March 14, 2011



List of inland birds that I've seen

This is the list of some of the birds that I have seen inland and have not yet captured on camera. Hopefully, a list of shore birds will be forthcoming:
  • Pileated Woodpecker
  • Osprey / Red Tailed Hawk
  • Belted Kingfisher
  • Swallow
  • Crow
  • Cattle Egret
  • Snowy / Great Egret 
  • Great Blue Heron
  • Green Heron
  • Wood Stork
  • Black Vulture
  • Ruby Throated Hummingbird
  • Sparrows
Of the Swallow I am not sure of the exact kind.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Cute and Curious Faces

Female Cardinal
Carolina Chickadee
I can never tell the difference between a House Finch and a Purple Finch. I guess this is probably a House Finch because the Purple Finch is only a winter resident here. I also have an impossible time differentiating between Downy and Hairy Woodpeckers. I guess this is probably a Downy because I don't think it was 9 inches long.
House Finch
Downy Woodpecker

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Carolina Wren

Well, I sure do apologize for the quality of my photos. Every has to start somewhere, right? Really what I aim to do is try and capture all of the local birds that I see on camera, good quality or bad. So here's another one:
Carolina Wren

Another mystery solved!

I have been an absolute fool. There is a type of bird that I have been seeing in my back yard that I could not identify in any book or on the internet. I would see these birds high in the trees in groups of 3 or more. They had a white belly, a dark ring around their neck, and their tails (from below) were black with two circles of white on the outer edges. Their backs were dark. The oddest thing about these birds was their call. They would bob their entire body up and down (excuse the lewdness, but it looked exactly like humping) and make a loud purring or whirring sound. I finally got these birds on video and captured some photos. As soon as I plugged my camera into the computer I realized what a fool I had been. This video unfortunately does not pick up the purring sound they are making, but it shows their body movements.

 Well, if you're as bumbling an idiot as I've been and you still don't see it, here's a photo:
Blue Jay
 I'll admit the photo isn't that great. I have found that taking pictures of birds is extremely difficult, especially with a dog at your side. I will use that excuse and several others which follow to defend my idiocy:
  • I have never seen more than one Blue Jay at a time
  • I have never seen a bird that purrs and humps and there is no absolutely no recording of this behavior on any of the countless web pages or you tube videos I searched
  • I usually only notice Blue Jays when they are around eye level or below. I guess I never noticed their tummies before (also, I was not able to find any pictures in any of my books or on the internet of a Blue Jay from below)
Blue Jay in flight
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Sunday, March 6, 2011

Hawk or Osprey?

One would think it would be fairly easy to distinguish between Red Tailed Hawk from an Osprey. I think this is the latter, although I am still unsure. It's breast is completely white - not banded - and when it looks at me it appears to have on a bandit's mask. I finally looked up how to actually tell the difference easily so I'll have to wait until tomorrow (I see this raptor almost daily) to properly place it. The way to tell the difference easily is by the wing shape when they are soaring. A Red Tailed Hawk's wings, like a vultures, are straight across in flight. An Osprey's wings are bent at the wrist. I noticed in the second picture that the legs are not "hairy" as in a Red Tailed Hawk. Also, please keep in mind that these pictures are taken from over 30 feet away and backlit.

More Mysteries!

I found a couple more mystery plants and the Camellia is opening up! To my dismay, some of these surprises are popping up in what was to be my vegetable garden. They lived through my composting and are now unevenly spread out due to my tilling of the soil.
These look a lot like Iris, but they're not in a spot that I would imagine anyone would plant bulbs

Mystery sprouts in what was going to be my vegetable garden - Hollyhock?

Fern in the base of a standard Oak, next to Magnolia Tree


Some type of vine in front of the Holly - I believe it's called "Cat-something"

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


The camel isn't a native to South Carolina, but the squirrel is. My neighbor tells me that there are actually two white squirrels - he saw them both together. I really hope that they get together and Hollywood becomes home to a white squirrel colony. Other native mammals I have spotted are deer (in abundance), raccoons, opossums, dolphins (on the Ashley River), and a large whitish dog-like creature which is either a swamp monster or a Great Pyrenees. I really want to see an alligator (I know, not a mammal), a whale, a coyote and a wild pig.


Female Cardinal

Male Cardinal
Tufted Titmouse

Carolina Chickadee

Turkey Vulture with Opossum

Barred Owl

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Springtime in my yard!

Daffodils by fence (behind woodpile)

Camellia - under my west facing bathroom window

Ivy on Live Oak - front center

Ivy on Live Oak - same tree as above

Mystery plant in front of daffodils - front center of yard between Live Oaks

Quince - front yard by telephone wire

Mystery plant (daffodils?) - front yard, on left if facing the house

Tiny daffodils - approx 3-4 inches - front left side of front porch, also around Jasmine

Unknown - under Steve's bathroom or closet window

Gardenias - along right side of front porch when facing the front of the house

Unknown. In front of Gardenia and Camellia

Seed pod from Magnolia Tree

About Me

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Hollywood, South Carolina, United States
I felt that a blog would be an interesting experiment