Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Springtime in my yard!

Daffodils by fence (behind woodpile)

Camellia - under my west facing bathroom window

Ivy on Live Oak - front center

Ivy on Live Oak - same tree as above

Mystery plant in front of daffodils - front center of yard between Live Oaks

Quince - front yard by telephone wire

Mystery plant (daffodils?) - front yard, on left if facing the house

Tiny daffodils - approx 3-4 inches - front left side of front porch, also around Jasmine

Unknown - under Steve's bathroom or closet window

Gardenias - along right side of front porch when facing the front of the house

Unknown. In front of Gardenia and Camellia

Seed pod from Magnolia Tree

About Me

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Hollywood, South Carolina, United States
I felt that a blog would be an interesting experiment